About Me
I'm applying to CS PhD programs this cycle to do research in usable privacy enhancing technologies.
I'm a Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University within the CyLab Security and Privacy Institute and Human-Computer Interaction Institute. I hold an MS in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where my work explored microarchitectural side-channel attacks and usable security. I'm passionate about building privacy-preserving systems that are accessible to both developers and end-users, leveraging applied cryptography and confidential computing. Recently, I’ve been investigating privacy challenges in generative AI chatbots.
I founded the Georgia Institute of Technology Security Seminar, a vibrant forum where students and faculty engage with cutting-edge security and privacy research presented at leading academic conferences.
Prior to my MS, I was a Software Engineer on Messenger Growth at Meta in the San Francisco Bay Area. I earned a BS in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, advised by Chris Fletcher.
Meeting me
I'd love to meet you! If you want to set up a time to chat, I only ask that you leave a short note about yourself and why you're interesting in getting in touch. I recommend starting with email or Twitter X.